Are you consumed with the idea of staying as far away from fat as possible? Only purchasing foods that say low-fat, no-fat, and skim? Take a look the next time you are at the grocery store. You will see that the “low-fat, no-fat” marketing plan is being used by just about every food manufacturer. You may not realize that your body actually requires a small amount of fat to be healthy and to create proper energy. If you do not consume fat then your body will not be able to transport vitamins throughout the body and regulate cholesterol levels effectively. Did you know that even the brain requires fatty acids from fats? These fats are essential to create the specialized cells that allow you to think and feel.
Differentiating Between Unsaturated and Saturated Fats
In stating the above, I’m not giving you the green light to run to the nearest fast-food chain and chow down on a burger and fries. However, I am giving you the green light to incorporate some fat into your diet. The key is to incorporate unsaturated fats instead of saturated because not all fats are bad. Unsaturated fats, such as those found in plants (an avocado is a good example), are considered to be healthier. On the other hand, saturated fats, mostly derived from animals (like a greasy burger), are viewed as less healthy.
Balancing Macronutrients
The National Academy of Science recommends that fat calories constitute only 30 percent of your total daily calories. Additionally, they note that a gram of fat contains 9 calories. The average woman should not consume more than 60-75 grams daily and the average man no more than 90 grams daily. Of course, if you are looking to release weight then that number should be less because your caloric intake should be less. Personally, I maintain a diet comprising approximately 20-25 percent fat and 35-45 percent protein. I fill the remaining portion with unrefined carbohydrates like whole grains, root vegetables, legumes, and fresh fruits.
As you may be overly obsessed with consumed fats, you should try to focus on ways to minimize the consumption without ridding them completely. Also, find ways to burn fat naturally. Incorporate muscle-building exercises, so you can burn an increase of fat while reaping the body sculpting benefits. Keep in mind that for a pound of muscle to exist, it needs (burns) 35 calories a day. Only 2 calories are burned for a pound of fat to exist. So, eat clean and balanced to help build muscle and shed fat for your perfect physique. I use coconut oil when I cook because it offers good fats. You’ll soon discover that a small amount of good (unsaturated) fats will keep you healthy and smart!