Sugar – it’s everywhere right about now. Thanks to the October 31st festivities and the incredible marketing that goes along with it. CANDY. CANDY. and more CANDY!

Americans purchase nearly 600 million pounds of candy a year. 90 million pounds of that number is chocolate – sold for this October 31st day alone.

Sugar we all know is not good for us. In fact, it’s been associated with all the top causes of death AND YET it’s still consumed on a massive level every day. To the tune of 150 to 200 pounds of sugar each year PER PERSON on average. That’s the power of this addicting chemically processed drug if you will.

Kids on Halloween consume an average of 3-4 cups of sugar on this day, which is 16 times the daily recommendation of it. On the other days…kids are consuming 4-5 times the recommended amount.

The government says 10% of our daily calories should come from sugar. I’m all for that if indeed its sugar (known as fructose) comes from whole fruits. Not juices, but the whole fruit itself.

What if….you hand out something healthy this year instead? Let’s change things together. Even a box of raisins would be better than a candy bar. Cuties decorated as jack-o-lanterns – think creatively – you might surprise yourself and the neighborhood kids.

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