Greens are great in a salad, but they are equally as awesome, refreshing, and detoxifying in a green drink. It seems that many people are programmed from early childhood to dislike foods that have the slightest bit of green in them.

It’s time to reprogram your mind.

Leafy greens will help you get lean, assist in natural healing, prompt better cell replication, and will help rid the body of toxic inflammation. Studies have shown that green vegetable drinks help reduce the risk of diabetes, lower cholesterol, and reduce inflammation in the body – the culprit to most disease.

Now, juicing isn’t for everyone, but, the average person doesn’t consume enough vegetables. In fact, most don’t even eat 1/2 the recommended daily amount. AND only 10% of vegetables that we do consume are the awesome green, leafy ones. So, if juicing helps you to get in your daily vegetable (especially leafy greens) intake – then great…juice!

I personally like juicing because I’m not a fan of feeling overly full. When I eat my allotted amount of vegetables in their raw or cooked state – I feel stuffed! Juicing gives me the benefits without the bloat. ? But, be rest assured I still eat loads of veggies. I’m a fan! 🙂

All of the vegetable is included when I juice to keep all the fiber as well. Greens don’t have to taste “green.” Mine are always very tasty – rarely do they taste like they look (like grass). ?

If you want my signature Green Drink Recipe, download my free Visibly Fit App available on both Android and IOS.

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