The Very BEST Way to Detox

Text framing a close up of a stomach (with color blocking to represent blood, lymph, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys and intestines) reads, "Detox Your Body"

Detox Your Body

The word DETOX has been thrown around a lot lately and you may have tried numerous “detox methods” yourself.

But, do you know the BEST way to detox?

It may not be what you think. In fact, if you’re thinking that doing just ONE thing will detox the body, then you may not be ridding your body of toxins fully.

For instance, while juicing is FABULOUS, (and I juice almost everyday) it’s not the full on cure to rid the body of toxins.

The truth is…we are subjected to toxins on a daily basis. And doing just one protocol OR doing a one time cleanse/detox is
merely – “a one hit wonder.”

Detoxing should be viewed and practiced as a DAILY LIFESTYLE!

You see, we are hit every day with toxins – in the air, water, food/beverage choices, negative thoughts, stress, living a sedentary life, etc. In order to detox to your best ability, then you’ll need to live a detox lifestyle.

While many toxins are out of our control, there are also many that we can indeed avoid or change.

WHY should we even be concerned about toxins and how to detox?

Well, a toxic body holds onto FAT and a toxic body causes INFLAMMATION, which is a MAJOR culprit to disease. The organs of detoxification include the colon, liver, lungs, kidneys, skin and lymph glands.

SO…what are a few simple ways that you can begin to live a detox lifestyle? I’ll give you eight! 🙂
These are of course without stating the obvious of ditching sugar, unhealthy fats and processed foods from your diet.

1. Drink a full glass of warm/hot water with lemon (and dash of cayenne pepper – if you can handle the heat) first thing in the morning. I know, you might be tempted to reach for a cup of coffee. Please start your day with a loving alkalizing choice instead.

2. Drink water ALL day long. Your body is made up of over 70% water. It NEEDS water to function and to push toxins out of the body. Use a glass water bottle or one that is BPA free. AND drink water that has been purified well. Purchase a good water purifier for your home – It’s worth every penny of the investment to rid your water of harmful chemicals.

3. Consume protein. You need the amino acids that are in protein to help release the body of toxins. A few of my favorite plant-based sources come from quinoa, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds (hemp, chia), seitan, etc.

4. Take a good probiotic (something with 15-20 billion and at least 7 unique stands of bacteria) and digestive enzymes to help ensure a healthy gut. If your body doesn’t have a healthy gut, then your foods will not be broken down properly and therefore the nutrients will not be delivered for best body function. If you eat a plant-based diet, like I highly recommend, then you’ll actually receive a good amount of those enzymes through your diet. A plant-based diet will also allow for proper vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to ward off free radicals and help eliminate daily toxins. BUT, you may still need to take a digestive enzyme depending on your personal needs. HINT: Your stool with tell you a lot. I know – T.M.I. 🙂

5. Eat more fiber. Fiber makes you feel more full and helps to “scrub” the intestines to rid the body of waste. Eating fiber comes easy when eating fruits and vegetables often. Beans and lentils are great sources and so are certain grains, like oats. I usually have steel cut oats with cinnamon, chia seeds, and mixed berries for breakfast. It’s a great way to fuel your body for the day and get in some fiber.

6. Exercise – Of course I would bring this up, huh? Well, fitness IS NOT fluff! It’s not an “add-on if you feel like it” kind of activity. It’s critical for a detox lifestyle. Exercise helps to clear the “clutter” in the lymphatic system that collects in the body such as fats, bacteria and other harmful matter. Exercise pumps the blood through the body which feeds every inch of your body with life. Exercise is especially known to enhance brain function. When you sweat – you release toxins. There are seriously SOOOOO many great benefits to exercise.

AND – Fitness can be simple – as simple as walking. In fact, I invite you to join me and I’ll keep you accountable daily for 6 weeks. Click HERE to sign up on the waitlist to take the next 6 week Walk It Off Now walking challenge. We would love to have YOU there. Why walk? Well, walking is easy. Anyone can do it. And walking heals – mind, body, and spirit.

7. Sleep – This is KEY. When you shut your eyes, your body is in full swing repairing and trying to detox and regulate from the day. A good 7-9 hours of quality sleep is ideal for most. One fact: hormones that are released in the brain during waking hours are different then when asleep. If those hormones become unbalanced – it becomes toxic to the body.

8. Positive thoughts – We have over 50-60 thousand thoughts a day and it’s said that the average person thinks negative 75% of the time. Negative thoughts release toxic chemicals from the brain. How do you go from negative to positive? One thought at a time!!! When you recognize a negative thought – write it down. Then counter it with a positive affirmation or scripture verse.

Hope you found this helpful. And I hope you’ll adopt a “detox lifestyle” and vow never to just “do” a detox.

Talk to me here…leave a comment. 🙂  What do you struggle with the most regarding living a “detox lifestyle?”

It’s valuable for your overall health to be educated about detoxing including why detoxing is important, how to detox your body, the best way to detox, when to follow a detox weight loss program or an energy boost detox routine. There are many simple ways to do a detox cleanse and one of easiest is with a 1 week detox reboot.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your diet, lifestyle, or starting a detoxification program

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Wendie Pett ND is a naturopathic doctor helping Christian women get Visibly Fit™ in mind, body and spirit. Other holistic programs to designed to empower your journey to optimal health and wellness include a 5 Day Detox + Reboot and Walk It Off Now.

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