I just returned from speaking at an amazing women’s conference in Dallas, TX. hosted by one of my dear friends, Tracey Mitchell. There were over 400 ladies that attended and it was phenomenal. You’ll have to join us next year! The conference is called Thrive.
I love that word….Thrive!
It’s been used quite a bit, but it’s such an awesome word that can be applied to all areas of live. Thrive means to grow or develop well or vigorously. To prosper; flourish. And the word, vigorously means – in a way that involves physical strength, effort, or energy; strenuously. forcefully.
You see, you can’t thrive unless you push and propel yourself forward. That involves effort, energy, and strength! It’s not always easy in the beginning, but once you take the first step then momentum comes into play. That’s why things typically get easier over time – the practice and discipline allows you to grow and develop past your old beliefs, habits, and limitations. You become stronger. You begin to Thrive.
Are you ready to thrive in your health and well-being? Is this your season? Your year? If not, what are you waiting for? What’s holding you back?
It seems the older I get the quicker life passes by. Do you ever feel that way? With that said, I believe that there is no time like the present to take care of YOU! If you’re thinking…I will, Wendie – SOMEDAY! Well, someday is NOT a day. Someday never happens. There’s always a reason that someday manages to win in the end. Someday waits on time, money, holidays, etc. Someday keeps you stuck into living a life that isn’t intended for you to live. One that has aches and pains or one that’s sleepless and listless.
My goal for you is that you turn your someday into a today so that you can live your best life now. Walk with me for a LIFETIME of great health in mind, body, and spirit. Walking works. Walking heals. Our next challenge begins soon – April 11th. Join us by clicking here.