You may not have thought about your daily activity as a way to get fit, but everyday chores can become a great workout! Depending on the time of year, the chores that need to be accomplished, and the consciousness of your efforts into each move/chore will determine the expenditure of calories.
For instance, I live in an area where snow is very common in the winter. And I don’t just mean an inch or two…several feet! If you live in an area with snow as well, don’t wait for your association to remove the snow. Instead, make shoveling part of your workout. It’s important to bend at the knees when shoveling and not with the back. This will not only protect your back but give you a great squat with each shoveling action. Bending more than need be to get a deeper squat will make this chore a conscious workout over and beyond the activity itself. You can burn 200-300 calories in just 30 minutes of shoveling. AND you are getting a chore accomplished at the same time!
But, what about in the summertime and for those that live in the warmer climates? Well, there are many chores where you could burn more calories than what you’re currently burning. Are you a dog owner? Well, taking the dog for a walk is a chore and you’re burning calories just by walking, but what if you took it up a notch? Perform walking lunges as you walk your dog. Or, squat when they squat. Seriously! I’m sure you’ll get a few looks, but hey you’re getting in your workout while doing your chores. Who cares what everyone else thinks? Your health overrides their judgment! Oh, and by the way, you will burn an additional 150 calories by doing squats and lunges while out on a 15 minute walk with the dogs.
Housecleaning is something we all do (unless you have a maid) all year round. Did you know that vacuuming and heavy housecleaning can easily burn 150-200 calories? But, if you add squats or lunges with every load of clothes you put in the wash, with every dish in the dishwasher, and with every forward motion of the vacuum then you will burn an additional 200 calories in 30 minutes. Also, take the vacuum cleaner off of its auto position and manually push and pull instead. You’ll burn even more calories!
Your calorie expendure will really add up if you’re more aware of your movements throughout the day. Of course, I encourage doing my Visibly Fit™ exercises throughout the day as well. Let your workout work for you during the day instead of stressing to make sure you get you find the time. There’s always a way to get your workout in daily, it’s all about getting creative!