Unique, At-Home Biological Testing Solutions Unlock the Medical Mystery of Declining Memory, Poor Decision-Making, Impaired Concentration and Focus


Chances are that if you’re reading this kind of health literature, you’re familiar with the more significant impacts of stress, like heart disease, obesity, diabetes, gastrointestinal problems, Alzheimer’s, accelerated aging and even premature death.

But there’s another less-widely known group of low-grade symptoms that come from what’s considered low-grade chronic stress and anxiety. This is the kind that lurks just below your surface of awareness–the chronic worrying or uneasiness, the vague fears or preoccupations that may come and go without you even knowing and contributes to things like an inability to focus and concentrate, make clear decisions, remember things, have a sharp mental acuity, insomnia, attention deficit, even low energy and chronic fatigue.

If you’ve been experiencing any one of these low-grade symptoms, there’s a very high probability that this type of stress is at the root cause.

Chronic Stress is the New Way of Life

According to the American Psychological Association over 50% of Americans are living with chronic stress. And, when you factor in the number of people living with a low-grade stress operating silently in the background, that number is many, many more. Whether you’re currently among the long term unemployed, have an upside down mortgage, are at a cross roads in your career, having relationship issues, or are have this nagging resentment at your neighbor because he leaves the empty trash cans on the curb days after trash pick-up, stress has become the new standard of living for most–the new way of life. And it has become the new way of life because the human brain has re-wired itself adopting stress as the new standard.

What Your Brain Does Under Stress

Cellular biologists have long understood the physiological, “fight or flight” response from sudden, short-term external threats like coming face to face with a shark, or stepping back from an oncoming car. The brain’s built-in control and response system regulates the flow of stress hormones from the adrenal glands warning the body’s 50 trillion cells to “run for cover” in the face of this perceived threat, and retreat back to normal once the threat has passed.

Less understood, however was the biological impact of exposure to prolonged and persistent threats or “stresses”, like the new normal, day to day stresses mentioned above. After 40 years of brain research however, we now know that the brain re-wires itself, forming new neurological pathways to accommodate this state of continuous stress – something known as neuroplasticity –a state in which the brain spends more effort directing the cells of the body to protect themselves and less effort doing its primary functions of delivering oxygen and nutrition to the cells for “normal” functioning and starving them.

In the short term this chronic cellular “stress” produce all kinds of system imbalances which manifest themselves is an inability to focus, a lack of concentration, an inability to make clear decisions, declining memory, low energy, insomnia, etc.. Long term these symptoms, undiagnosed and untreated at the level of cause, become more serious diagnosable diseases.
Why Your Doctor Can’t Tell You What’s Wrong

Most troubling is that if and when you seek medical attention for these symptoms, your doctor, and conventional medicine as a whole, doesn’t “connect the dots” and look far enough below the surface to identify the root cause—which are the system imbalances caused by the cells under stress; instead assigning a name and a code to the symptoms themselves, then following a ‘standard of care’ protocol to treat the symptom. Which is why you often hear from your doctor “we can’t find anything wrong” or “it’s all in your head”

Good news for people living with these chronic, unresolved symptoms who have been everywhere and seen everyone, is the emergence of new technologies – robust, yet simple tools– now available to identify the root cause of these symptoms. One of those technologies is a home-testing and evaluation process called The MAP, or The Matrix Assessment Profile. With a small sample of urine and saliva The MAP’s fluid analyzer—originally developed by a team of bio-engineers at NASA—will peek into your biochemistry and spot the imbalances causing these symptoms, right at the root cause, which is something that conventional lab work just doesn’t do. Information about The MAP’s home-based testing process is available from Optimal Performance Labs.
What’s great about these evolving technologies is that they point to ‘disease markers’ before they actually turn into noticeable symptoms. Even better is that you’re able to get real answers to chronic health care concerns that your doctor might not have been able to provide.


At-Home Biological Tests that Locate the Source of Stress, Lack of Focus, Memory Concentration, Low Energy

If you’ve been experiencing low-grade symptoms such as stress, anxiety, poor focus and concentration, trouble remembering, even low energy? Most likely there’s a biological “stress” going on within your cells that’s keeping them from doing what they’re supposed to.

Some pretty innovate home-based tests are now on the market that do what most doctors and lab work don’t by looking into your biochemistry and locating the ROOT CAUSE of these chronic, unsolvable symptoms. Click here to read the full story of how some of these new technologies are giving symptom sufferers answers (and relief) their doctors never could.

Written By: My friend, Dr. Richard DiCenso, who has over 30 years treating patients with chronic and acute, unsolvable symptoms and the early detection of disease. He is the author of “Beyond Medicine, Exploring a New Way of Thinking”, and the developer of solutions to help symptom sufferers identify what’s wrong with their bodies.



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Wendie Pett ND is a naturopathic doctor helping Christian women get Visibly Fit™ in mind, body and spirit. Other holistic programs to designed to empower your journey to optimal health and wellness include a 5 Day Detox + Reboot and Walk It Off Now.

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