Tis the season for vacations and trips! Keeping up with your workout routine while you are on vacation can sometimes seem like a challenge. I want to help you stick to your routine even if you forget your workout gear!
Watch this video where I show you my hotel workout routine when I went to Australia a few years back. Nope, I didn’t have any workout clothes (or shoes) either. 🙂
Also, here are my top 3 tips for eating healthy while on vacation:
1. Hit your local Farmer’s Market and stock up on fruits and veggies in your hotel room so that you always have healthy snacks at hand. (Plus you get in some steps walking around the Farmer’s Market!)
2. Read the calorie count on the menu and stick to meals under 800 calories. If there is no calorie count on the menu, run, (just kidding) but be sure to stick to lots of greens, beans, and low carb/low sauce items.
3. Don’t drink on weight! Avoid fruit juices or dilute them with soda water for a refreshing treat. Skip the soda. If you have an alcoholic beverage, avoid drinks that contain fruit juice and soda and truly keep them at a minimum. You would be amazed at how many empty, toxic calories are in your “spirit” of choice.
Now, you’re all set to maintain your workout routine and make healthier choices while on vacation. But if you’re looking for an easy and effective ‘vacation workout,’ be sure to watch my video on how to stay active even without your workout gear.
Hope you are having a wonderful summer! Where are you spending your vacation? Leave it in the comments below. Would love to hear all about your fun.