“Given that the world is about 25,000 miles in circumference and that the average walking rate is 3 miles per hour, it would take a person walking nonstop approximately 347 days to walk around the world.”
Well, we won’t be walking around the world. But I’m envisioning the world walking together in unity to shed unwanted pounds and inches AND emotions! Walking and running have been proven to help prevent disease, build bone health and maintain a healthy weight. It also helps enhance mental clarity and become more grounded spiritually. With all of the ways to get from place to place and the limited time we allow ourselves…walking tends to compete with motorized vehicles and with our time.
Speaking of time…it is time to Walk It Off Now. Don’t allow the busyness of your day or the convenience of motorized vehicles to stand between you and good health.
Join me on a 6 week guided walking workout program that will offer weekly guided online videos, a downloadable PDF/ebook, a walking journal, AND access to a private Facebook accountability group. I will be “coaching” you often within this community and will be hosting parties with prizes. It will be fun! Hurry – step up (literally) and join us. The first group starts on Monday, May 11. Click here to begin. What a great Mother’s Day gift for yourself or your Mom. 🙂 See you there.