Wait a minute… you mean there might be a reason why people hang on to all that extra weight (or it hangs on to them)? There are many “excuses” and “reasons” why people do not release weight. The number one reason is fear. Fear of transformation, fear of success, fear of losing something to complain about, fear of receiving attention, fear of experiencing improvement, and the list of fears continues. One can break free from compulsive and abusive eating by feeding the heart instead. You must heal from the inside out. No matter your current or past situation you can change by thinking differently about who you are and who you are called to be.

3 Things You Can Do Today to Stop Being A Victim of Your Weight

1. Decide to change. Decide that being a victim of your past or present is literally weighing you down. Take action to change one small step at a time.
2. Eat until satisfied. The difference between feeding your body and feeding your heart is that you only want to feed your body until satisfied, not stuffed. When feeding the heart, stuffing is welcome!
3. Release emotional baggage. Once you stop hanging on to past hurt, resentment, anger, and hatred the more you can live gracefully. Release the emotions that truly aren’t about you in the first place. Don’t let the past suffocate your future. You are worth SO much more. The emotion that has “labeled” you is a spell that can and will be broken if you choose.

Your journey to a healthier, more empowered self begins with these three steps. Embrace change, feed your heart, and release what no longer serves you. The path to transformation may be challenging, but you are worth every effort. Your future is waiting, and it’s brighter than you can imagine. Choose to break free from the victimhood of your weight and step into the fullness of your true potential.

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