Ever ask yourself…What’s the point?
Maybe you feel too far gone or too old to start working out and eating healthy. What’s the point can turn into …why even bother? Maybe there’s a broken relationship in your life, your finances are a mess, or you’ve just decided to coast through the days, months, and years without taking the initiative to learn or grow in anything further. That can be a dangerous place to be and to stay.
What’s the point becomes a question of mediocrity instead of having the mindset that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Made for a unique calling and purpose on your life! Your circumstance and surroundings don’t have to be perfect to take a step in a positive and healthy direction. Life doesn’t have to be all buttoned up and wrapped with a bow before taking action to reach your goals in life. FYI…Perfection will NEVER occur. BUT, you can become quite good and master several areas in your life. It just takes discipline, consistency, and knowing that the first step won’t be as polished as your last – but it will still take you down the right path.
I encourage you to step our of your comfort zone and go to that awkward place of taking action. That’s where new beginnings and transformation occur. That’s where you grow mentally, physically, spiritually, financially and relationally.
What step will you take today? Write it in the comments below.