Winter is now in full swing and many places are already experiencing snow on the ground. But don’t let that keep you from getting outdoors and letting your feet hit the ground!  How? By either walking, running, snowshoeing or even hiking.

As long as you’re dressed best for the weather, like in layers of moisture-wicking fabrics to keep the body at a its healthiest temperature … then you’ll be just fine.

Not only will you be fine, but you’ll want to workout outdoors all the time. WHY? Well, working out in colder temperatures will help you burn more calories because your body has to work harder to regulate and stay warm. SO,  there IS a bonus to getting out into the frigid temps. 🙂

Cold weather workout also causes the heart to work harder to pump blood throughout the body more efficiently. That’s good…it’s really good. Training outdoors will make your heart even stronger for your traditional indoor workouts.

SO – Get outside…breathe in the cool, fresh, crisp air – and get your workout in. I promise, when you do, winter will be a lot more enjoyable and you’ll get through it having fewer symptoms of the winter blues.

If you want to take your workouts and your healthy eating to a whole new level then apply here to Get Visibly Fit!

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