of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor
abandon you.” Deuteronomy 31:8
I love the moment my stride feels fluid and my breathing has a noticeable rhythm. I love the sound of my breath and the sharp beating of my heart. Additionally, I love the smell of the seasonal air, the beauty of the sky and the terrain around me, and the incredible conversation I have with my Father in heaven. I love that sometimes I’m running from so much and the run seems metaphoric. Have you ever wanted to run? Even from yourself? I have.
While running is an amazing sport and an incredible way to stay or get into shape…you can not run from yourself. You’ve heard the old phrase, “Wherever I go…there I am.” It’s true. No matter how hard you try, you can’t outrun yourself…although, I challenge you to try! A few good sprints here and there will do the body good. That of course is coming from my coaching personality! But all kidding aside, the reality is that when you continue to try to run from your situation you’ll only find yourself more frustrated and alone.
Through my experience, I’ve only been able to run so far and then I’m exhausted and ready to quit or surrender. I used to think it was a sign of weakness to surrender within a few miles of my run, but then I realized that listening to my body was a good thing. It allowed me to run further the next time. I’m not saying you shouldn’t push yourself a bit, but respect your limits.
I believe the same is true when we surrender our lives to God. When we listen to Him, He ensures us that He doesn’t expect us to run forever or sprint through the finish line of life alone. In fact, He desires to join us on the run whether we choose to make it a sprint or a marathon. As long as He is at the finish line, I believe that He’s proud of our run no matter the pace.
I encourage you today to set out on your run with gratitude, no matter your current circumstances. Remember, your circumstance does not define you or your future. There have been numerous runs when my tears fell down my cheeks faster than my feet moved along the pavement. I cherish those runs. It was in those particular moments that I allowed my heart to override my head. I surrendered to just BE! May you BE in the moment and never have the desire to run from yourself or any circumstance again! Once you can BE then you can overcome with the strength of God’s grace and His love.